Roti Kapda Makaan


WHAT & WHY??????
An important segment of human race is   a worried lot today
We know Man is caught in a VICIOUS CIRCLE.
Hunger, poverty, climate change, population, pollution, floods, droughts, heatwaves, food security are some cardinal bombers frequently impeding the growth n development of man, mammal & ecosystem.
All this can be solved by increasing awareness, constant,repeated periodical  education at all levels of the education system, by increasing research and use of better environment friendly alternatives.

Let's analyse

Prehistorical n historical periods
Evolution of man passed through STONE AGE >>>>Iron age, >>>>steel age >>>and after billions, n trillions of years as we sit, read ,   write,   live eat   and breathe  let's  further discuss   

What's happening NOW??

We understand all this, But has the, evolution finished?
Sadly but truly, its  the  21st millennium, & yes we are still evolving?
Let me make it short but brief:
Needless to say, the earliest people were hunter-gatherers. Because they lived out in the open, they had to hunt other animals, gather plants and fruits to produce food. Time n tide wait for no one. Cycle of Evolution carried on & on & on>>>>>
Why have I titled this episode as

Many many years ago, the defined basic needs of humans were  Roti, Kapda aur Makaan (Food, shelter and clothing. . This phase lasted several hundreds of years.
With the advent of urbanisation, industralisation n modern technologies coming in,  Say in the last few hundreds of years...
Man saw changed food habits . Some jokingly coined a phrase for the changed basic needs of the city or industrial township dwellers:   & changed Roti/ Kapda / & Makaan to 
Roti, Pakoda and Mutton, ( keeping Roti unchanged). 
Roti for food,
pakoda for junk food
and mutton for overuse of non-vegetarian food.(Man started to eat more n more animal food) .

Jokes apart, let us, deep dive, research and analyse. For many people, Kapda (clothing) and Makaan (house or shelter) are actually not basic needs now. They own multiple houses, hundreds of pairs of dresses, that too _different dresses for different occasions. How can these be put on the list of the basic needs even now?
A person can survive without shelter indefinitely, (may not be in a dignified way,) but yes He can!!!Some people can also survive without clothing; (after all our ancestors have survived so) .
Like wise,  a person can survive without food for at most for some weeks, as has been seen in past during fasting of Gandhiji for 21 days. Some may even survive slightly longer.
So, that's why  I had left out these two from my new phrase.
And now the BASIC NEEDS have acquired  newer Dimensions.
Apart from these three, have we missed something else?

Yes, the first one is water.
Without water a person can survive only for some days, not for weeks;
After all human body is 70% water. This commodity is abundantly available on the Earth, and it covers about 71% of the earth’s surface. But around 97.2% of this is found in the ocean, which is too salty for human use like drinking, or growing crops. Out of the rest 2.8% freshwater, 2.5% remains un-available, as that is locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps, atmosphere, and soil; highly polluted, or lies too far under the earth’s surface to be extracted at an affordable cost. So, only 0.3 % remains available for human use. In a simpler language, if the world’s water supply were only 100 litres, our usable water supply of freshwater would be only about 3 ml ( around half a teaspoon).
Isn't this really SCARY!!!
So, shouldn’t it be put in our list of basic needs????? 

The other one is Oxygen.
How much time can we survive without oxygen? I am not talking about the level of oxygen-in-blood that we hear today during Covid time, but the oxygen that we breathe from air ,day in and day out or that oxygen that is artificially supplied to the lungs in ventilators.
Air contains around 21% oxygen, which gets regenerated by the lungs of earth: (1)the trees of rainforests of Amazon or elsewhere, (2)trees of tropics or (3)algae of the ocean.
During Covid time we all saw   and post covid researchers have come forward with newer revelations 
Lungs are getting damaged by tiny viruses, causing decreased capability of lungs to supply oxygen to the bloodstream. Many are succumbing to this devastating act of the virus.
Similarly, this is happening with the Lungs of the Earth. As per the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the area of primary forest worldwide has decreased by over 80 million hectares since 1990. Although the rate of decrease of forest cover has shown decreasing trend, the absolute number is still alarming (loss of 10 million hectares per year). Human civilization along with the total animal kingdom is getting asphyxiated due to this reason and it will be too late if we don’t act now.
Then there are many more  reasons how the Oxygen that we so dearly need is not freely available to us. (Shall discuss this later on..will require thorough deliberation) .
We are all on the brink of atmospheric disaster  which if not immediately brought under control will create havoc every where
Thus: It is high time now that oxygen and water be put in the basic need list of humans along with the other three, and be taught in schools so that young minds can act to restore the damaged lungs of the Earth.
And let it be called ‘
Jal, Amlajan-Roti, Kapda Aur Makaan’-(‘Water, Oxygen, Food, clothing & shelter. ) ( Basically Amlajan means Oxygen)
So  to recapitulate....
Roti, Kapda, aur Makaan was the Clarion call of the then Prime Minister Shrimati Indira Gandhi to make India a self-sufficient country(1960_ basically it was an Election slogan). These three tenets have been the quintessential demand for generations of Indians.
So, as I started to write this BLOG __ THIS IS LIFE , being a DOCTOR, it's but natural that I would definitely write about Food & Nutrition , OUR ENVIRONMENT, that will directly and indirectly  affect our body.
So friends, in this Blog, while I will go into semantics on life, I will be covering all these topics as well!!! But u will wonder why the title of Roti + Kapda + Makaan

Roti : means food. Food that we eat. We eat to fill our stomach, satiate the urge, appease the hunger, and it is essential for growth &  survival.

Kapda: The cloth, the apparel  ,the cover the protection. But protect what?

Makaan: I have used this example to make us  understand that as per my interpretation makaan is our body.
So a makaan (our body)will remain strong, n withstand the onslaught of all adversaries if the Roti (food) that we eat, the kapda ( outer covering)  (ie the aura the atmosphere we live in) are within permissible n optimal parameters.
The brain, is a very analytical n integral part of our body. It asks a lot of questions.  Being inquisitive by nature I read into a lot of books n magazines, into stories of lives of people, and asked a lot many Q's.

To try and sum up, my brain being the brain of a doctor, (who is also very sensitive) right from class 3 as far as I can recall, always asked a lot many questions from any one, everyone,  be  it Teachers at school Parents at home, Older sibling, Uncle's & Aunty's , who so ever chanced to be around and would not be satiated till my curiosity  was quenched.
I would always think into the how's and why's, into the what's and the why's  into the why's  &   more why's and I am looking for answers even NOW.!!!

Let's sum up
Let's see what all we have covered so far:
1) This is Life including a brief about my self
2)Life & Living..
3) Life &Relationships
4) Dost & Dosti
5) And now ROTI, KAPDA & MAAKAN. (RKM)
How the Meaning of RKM will change as my blog evolves.

 Just wait & watch
Aachha to hum chalte hain..
Aachha to hum chalte hain....
Fir kab. Milogey.......

Aaj se...Char din baaad
Aa rahi hoon mein ...char din baad
See u then friends,
Do wait for me.... Cheeriyo!!!


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