Life& Living

Last week in my first ever article on my blog

I talked about Living & Non living things & life

Now let's  talk about 'Life n progression of Non living things ' n their direct n indirect impact on "our life".

What is the difference between living and nonliving things?

Living things have three main traits: 

They grow, take in nutrients (that means food and water), and reproduce (which means they make more living things like themselves). Non-living things do not grow, need no nutrients and cannot reproduce.

But Living things need Nonliving things to survive. Without food, water, and air, living things would slowly die. Sunlight, temperature , shelter, and soil are also important for living things. They meet their needs from living and nonliving things found in the ecosystems.

Non-living things are inanimate objects or forces with the ability to influence, shape, alter a habitat, and impact its life. Some examples of non-living things include rocks, water, weather, climate, and natural events such as rockfalls or earthquakes.

In spite of stark differences, Animates n inanimates have some common features::

a) Both are composed of smaller fundamental units (atoms & molecules)

b) Both occupy space

c) Both require expenditure of energy for moving. 

d) Both act, grow, reproduce as already written n of course we know it all!! ; 

Many examples are there, how they both are essential n important for coexistence be it natural or artificial eco system, 

Let's now discuss the important effect of one on the other and vice a versa

Man, in his urge to compete, urge for excellence, got on the fast track,  with victory on his mind, in pursuit of materialistic acquisitions, lost sense and sensibility, and slowly started destroying the ecosystem.

Greed, Materialism, Selfishness, and Pride, made man lose his rationale. He started copying and competing with others n wanting to beat the others hollow, got into misadventures, and see where we are today.

The Ecosystem is under severe threat. The primary threats to terrestrial biodiversity include Habitat loss and Degradation, UNSUSTAINABLE harvesting of species, Climate change, invasive  species, Co- extinctions,  Air pollution , Burning greenhouse gases, Release of industrial gases and so much more, all added up to the present dilemma!!! 

All this lead further to 

Degradation of Land and Soil Erosion 2. Deforestation 3. Faulty Utilisation of Water Resources 4. Environmental Problems from Faulty Mining Practices 5.Urbanisation, 6.Industrialization, 7.Acidification, 8.Ozone depletion. 9.Over population, 10.Desertification and so much more!! 

Coupled with Global warming , all this catapulted into increasing frequencies of

Fires, Storms, Diseases, Volcanic eruptions, Earthquakes, Contaminant spills, Land clearing and Dredging ,Shortage of water Extinction of species etc. 

The picture is very gloomy for the future::

The environmentalists, the Geologists the anthropologists all the researchers n think tank experts are a worried lot.!!!! 

Understanding the nature and consequences of humans’ and environmental impacts – and managing these impacts to protect the well-being of human society and other life on Earth – is humanity’s "Greatest challenge today."

We know all this and so much more, 

After all this heavy read... the plight does give us all a big fright!!!

Please for God's sake, do not take it for Slight!!! 

 In his greed, man made speed, 

Yet continues to live in disbelief:

Friends I broached this topic for a SHOUT OUT , cause, all this has destroyed the mental equilibrium, sanity, sanctity and peace of mind of man. He is a scared & worried lot today. 

Let's give a wake up Clarion call

Let's let the bugles screech and bring the Red flags to the notice of all human beings. 

All Living n non living creatures must be brought to a balance as soon as we can. Let's wake up and always keep in mind That Even attempting to do this is going to be a Long and arduous task. 

But some where we have to make a start. 

 Living things all have a Life. From Birth to Death is a phase we all have to go through. We may come, we may go.

But the ecosystem, the interaction between man, mammals and animated & inanimate (jad / chetan) will go on & on & on!!

In this Blog on Life

I shall be touching on these topics again, and again, as we progress along, because, Life & Living

Existence n co-existence all have to be understood intricately n intimately. 

This planet:


This is One Life

This is Our Life

We cannot ignore this facet because

This is Life!!!! 

Seems like i have made this into a heavy weight champion note!!!! So let's try to lighten the mood..

Love is in the air but the air is highly polluted....


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