This is Life

Life is living,

Living  is LIFE!
Morning noon n night..
Morning noon n night..
Sunrise to twilight_
The sky, the stratosphere, the troposphere, the atmosphere so full  n bright!!.
The stars, the Suns n moons 
The Galaxy_

All have a story to tell;
But, here we are going to restrict ourselves to...

Life & Living

Life can be classified into living n non living.
Living are all that can breathe, move, grow, procreate and progress.
The plants,
The insects,
The birds n bees,
The animals n mammals n yes the monkey _  you  n  me...

The breath is the bane of LIFE
Oxygen is the Antidote that is essential.
It's the Oxygen that makes the Living things grow.

Non living, on the other hand, cannot breathe.
But constant deposition of nonliving grains repeatedly in the same geographic area make them grow in size. Eg:
Grains of sand/ earth repeatedly added physically or on its own, in the same area will make a Sand dune !!
Similarly constant pouring of little streams of water from the hill sides can help create ponds n ditches.

Life is a Puzzle, the biggest Puzzle of them  all !!
The more you try to phathom it, the more complex it may appear.
Sometimes it's an enigma,  a mystery, a zig saw puzzle - a cloud, that threatens to burst and spread rain drops all around. At times it may appear as a drizzle, at others a storm, may threaten to deactivate all your sense and sensibilities.
Yes, This is also Life.
Let me begin at the


My name is Dr Amita Bahl.
I am a doctor by profession.
I am 68 years old, wife of an Army officer, proud to be both  a daughter and DIL of Fauji couples.
Retired 8 years ago, did not take up a second career as most people in my profession would want 
to, (and more often than not, restart again ASAP).
On the contrary  I  decided to sit back , relax , unwind, my thoughts ,acts & deeds.
Wanted to understand,  at 68, what I had achieved?
Had I really achieved any thing I should/ could be proud of?.
I thought, I pondered, I did a lot of introspection and finally realised that I had not achieved any thing significant; Sadly but truly I had lived through the awakening years, just drifted along,
Yes, I had turned 60 (when I retired), fat n obese,!!  was a mother of two grown ups  who had spread their wings and had flown out of our nest. Had amassed a decent amount of savings, and was still restless n unsure of my self.!!!!
Is it this that, what I had aspired for, when I began my life as a conscious adult who was ready to start Life n make a MARK!!!....
Was, I satisfied with what n where I had arrived?
Did life give me what all I wanted? .
Did it answer all my queries?
The answer was and is still is a:: A big "NO "!!!!!
I realised I was just another ordinary woman traversing the path of  LIFE. Just doing mundane things, eating, sleeping, doing daily chores, running along the panorama of LIFE as it dictates; But,
It wasn't anything extraordinary, it was just run of the Mill
So, having arrived at the Purposeless  destination at, 60 years of age, started reading more books, to find a new meaning of life.
Being into a People's  profession had ample people's as patients, who gave me ready n voluntary information on LIFE as they perceived it.
Their experiences brought me close to the facts that most of us are leading Insignificant lives, that most of us are a frustrated lot, not satisfied and always groping to look around for more.
Yes friends :
This is LIFE.....!!!!!  

Let's meet again next week...


  1. Yes, thats me, wanting to explore

  2. Congratulations on your first blog post!
    It takes courage to share personal stories, and I commend you for taking that leap. Your blog beautifully captures the essence of your life and experiences.
    Keep writing and sharing your unique perspective.
    I look forward to reading more of your insightful posts.

  3. Thank you DK, for your Candid reply
    Appreciate, and yes, I will write and talk about Life, as I perceivepercieve.

  4. Dr Amita, it was good to read your comments about life in a poetic form. You are a gifted person who has accomplished so much in life. Yet you are a seeker for the true purpose of life. You are already fulfilling your true purpose by leading a contributory way of life. Yes there's much more and I'm sure you will get there. Best wishes

  5. Thank you Ma'amI look up to your worthy encouraging words

  6. I read my comment once again. I think it's because of typing error in the second sentence, I wanted to write I don't agree but by mistake it's typed I did agree..... So my aplogies.


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