Life Today_ Let's work on it!!!

    Good morning,
    Good morning to One & All
    Last article we talked about sterling   prerequisites    for a happy  & harmonious relationship.

    Mental peace, sanity, sanctity, mood  &  morale and over all well being & happiness depend on              good health of self,   on our psychological approach to things;    on how _ happy, healthy   n                    harmonious our relations are with people whom we need to interact with. This is a never ending n        ongoing n Humongous  project.  


    Being from the medical profession,   (  always wanted to be a Doctor since childhood) my                     superimposed thoughts were always on the Big Questions:: the biggest Q was n still is:

    Why do we fall sick?
    Why when we belong to an affluent family;
     Why- when we eat good food  do we succumb to life style diseases? .
    Why when we live in good homes (  kept scrupulously clean & tidy by our Moms) do we succumb to     so many viral n bacterial illnesses.?
    Another important WHY?
    So let's today,   look back   at Episode 5::
    This  is another huge,   humongous   always ongoing process where in clearly all the factors are            enmeshed intricately and only if there is optimal mix and match will we achieve  happy &                    harmonious relationships. Lets try    and understand further.


    Man, mammal, birds, bees & beasts
    All are caught in this vicious web.
    Let's restrict ourselves to Man.

    Dependance,   Interdependence of man on any thing   Animate, inanimate, on the earth, under the        earth, or above the earth  will always have a bearing on the sum total being called: MAN.
    ROTI  KAPDA Aur MAKAAN was introduced by me, along with AIR & WATER in Episode 5.

     ROTI: (Food n nutrition)
    To survive we need a basic ingredient:: FOOD!!!
    Food is one of the important ingredients for maintenance of good life n good living.

    The Big Q , as I mentioned in the begining of my BLOG is that despite the fact that our elders                 catered to provide the best food, to the best they can afford, the food is cooked in the best of                   cookware  ( once again depending on the affordability quotient), and served with extra loving care,         yet we find that most of us succumb to a lot of nutritional deficiencies, which in turn lead to lack of      immunity.
    This lack of immunity makes us susceptible to  various viral and bacterial  infections that in turn             debilitate our existing health status.

    It's actually a vicious circle.
    This being the small intro, friends I'm going to off and on give a talk or two about
     Food & Health,
     Food & Nutrition,
    Immunity levels n
    Cooking modalities.
    And the Big Buzz word::   
    It's all about HEALTH!!!!!
.   Health & Hygiene, Heart,  Life & Healthy  Living will be some sure headings which I shall try and        cover in the capacity of a Doctor!!!

    REMEMBER   friends,
    I'm A Doctor, so you like it or   not,  off & on there would  be a written dialogue or may be multiples     of it. But I assure u, I will try to make them interesting, and as I progress along, would throw in some     quick n fast cooking recipies, that are my familiy's hot favourites.
    And since they will be quick n simple recipies (  most from stuff that can be easily accessible from        our   own kitchen) .
    And if u taste, I'm sure u will love them.

     This is   in short under the Sub heading         ROTI.

     KAPDA : (Kapda means cloth.,clothing ,apparel.)
    In broader perspective::   A covering !!

    In my BLOG it will carry a New Meaning
    Any thing outside our body be it animate Or inanimate, (JAD / CHETAN),  that is around you, above     you, in the air, ( aura &  atmosphere, ) on the earth ( constructions, rivers, mountains, seas, plains &     deserts) under the earth ( The excavations, deep down under, the rapidly drying water table, the water     and life under the earth / sea), the birds, the bees, the fauna & flora.
    The people around us, the colonies, the sky scrapers, the mass humoungous vehicles plying day in        and day out, the excessive gaseous pollution they are generating, the industrial revolution and it's            aftermath, the huge amount of pollutants in the air  : All have lead to air,   noise, &  sound pollution,        All will be covered in the Sub Heading :: Kapda. ( jo shareer ke bahar hai ,Faiida ya nuksaan de raha     hai)
    It could be the Clothes we wear, the aura,the atmosphere we move n live in, the society, the                    community we belong to.
    External aspects that govern life "OUR LIFE". There is so much all around us that plays a direct/            indirect role in our LIFE.
    There are Tangibles & Intangibles:
    The House & Home we all live in.
    The high percantile of pollutants  inside / outside our homes. The excessive dust n pollution all             around us.  The cut throat competition, the psychological pressures, all are a much more bigger part      of the External cloud emanating  from, and coz of the effluents that i have in simplicity called "             KAPDA". All this and so much more are many among  most of the reasons leading to escalating             levels of Stress and tensions that we are exposed to in today's scenario!!
     Yes, we shall slowly n deliberately talk about most of these, External. KAPDAS as they leave a             positive / negative influence on us, on our body,  our mind n psyche!!
     How they directly n indirectly affect the MOST important and third component of my  theory ie::
     Makaan is the term I have coined for our BODY.
     Our physical component.
     This Body, this structure has a Hard copy and a Soft copy.
     Makaan ( hard copy n soft copy)
     Our Body is our Makaan .
    The bricks, the mortar   the cement the Girders the whole construction  material et al, I have likened     to the Anatomy and Physiology of our body.
    How when a woman is pregnant, and is nursed by family with proper extra nutrition, prim + proper        regular n timely diets, proper exercise right through her nine months, and what a thrill when she            delivers   a rotund, happy healthy smiling / ( of course babies cry) at birth. So much of glee all                around. But many a  times the mother / and or the new born may be affected by some ill health issues     that may have continued through  out pregnancy, or accidental happenings at child birth,
    Then what happens to the mood, morale of the affected parents, elderly people at home. Don't                 relationships undergo upheavals here (this is because of variations in the soft copy) .
    So here is the Makkan: It  has a Hard copy:: Anatomy & Phsyiology of human body
  A Soft copy: Here, I have likened the reactions, the mood, the morale, the psychology of the people to   the Soft copy ( emnating from the heart and the brain) .
    So friends,
    As a summimg up:: Roti will deal with any thing & everything that we eat to sustain,
    Kapda will deal with all that is around us, every where. It's advantages/ disadvantages, and short            term, mid term and long term deleterious affects and what and how to mitigate them,
    And Makaan will be US
    US :: Our Body, what goes wrong and how?
    What all  is required to be done to improve the condition and bring it back to near normal condition.
    When the hard copy is diseased, the Soft copy ( the mind) also gets affected. We all know,  all this         very very well!!
    Consequent to that, we start to overthink  and  start comparing and contrasting with folks around us         because of which,  many a time, if we are not able minded and do not carry strong convictions about     SELF and others, we   are likely to find our SOFT COPY ( our mind, thoughts and feelings) getting         deranged.

    So now..How to correct the Soft copy ie::
    Our brain, Our thoughts and  how to keep them in own control.????

    Chalo, meine ab bata diya...
    Chalo meine ab bata he diya::
    Once having outlined
    How and which way my BLOG::
    "THIS IS LIFE" Is    going to progress,
    I'm trying to sensitise u to all the various topics, headings, sub headings that I will be writing under...     Please be prepared:::
    There will be stuff that will hit the mind, excite the brain, stimulate the salivary glands, twiddle the        olfactory nerves, and make u gobble up fast, all that you only will try to prepare.
    There will be permutations n combinations of the mind:
    Moments of thinking, brooding, exicetement, depression, exhilaration, moments full of doubts and so     many more.
    If the SOFT WARE, is disturbed, Hardware will be in a compromised state, since it's a vicious circle     between reduced immunity >>>>_Hardware>>>> _ pathology
    >>>>>_  affecting the software_>>>>>>> _ back to more disease status.

    So we need to be vigilant
    Having done  this intro, Let me sum up

    There is a very old poem ::
    Its not to reason why
    It's but to do & die,
    Into the valley of death
    Rode the six hundred.
    So, now that a decent intro to the writer( self) , and the Subject that i have chosen to write on,
    Let me share that it's not an easy subject to write on.
    Each person has his/ her own perspective.
    If one one side   "A" May feel  the way to handle a situation is well within his ambit, the end  result         may be totally contrary to expectation,
    If "B " Might do some things, there may be many who would disagree.
    There are / would be hundreds of options, to a single big Q.

    I am on the path today to try and analyse some   puzzles, some mysteries, some exacting situations        that have always been an enigma.
    Let's all work study and do it together.
    Till then Tra_ La_ La _ La _ La

    La_ La.....La.....

    La_ La...


  1. Heartwarming depiction of what we are & what we need to do keep ourselves happy, healthy & keep our souls on path of the Ultimate goal in life which is Spiritual Enlightenment.


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