Dear all, I’ve been writing last two months, trying to understand what is life? The life that the lord has given us, how we are cherished, nurtured by all around us, how we are exposed to the world around us, how a little baby who is simple, pure, totally vulnerable, unexposed to the big bad world physically, psychologically, socially, economically, etc.. etc.. suddenly succumbs to the adversaries around. When a person, be it of any age, or stage, suffers , my heart undergoes a summer sault. The scientific, analysing mind within starts to reason why? Why did he fall sick? What went wrong and how? What was the causative agent? I’ve been a very inquisitive one, always running here and there, from one person to another looking for answers from whom so ever can satisfy me. Having understood what is wrong, I then try to look for solutions. Solutions not only as a doctor in terms of advising medication and all that goes along with it; but also what all we ...