
Dear friends,
It's been quite a while that I got down to write to you all ,
as also to understand my self, my character, my personality and how I dealt with my relatives that I had at home, and how I had to hold my emotional balance to maintain healthy relationships.
I assure you, even if it was/ is my very own immed.family, it's a task to keep your Emotions in check!!!
Yes! ! !
Yes, that's what it was. A time with my wits, a test of my patience, a phase with my feelings, a tribute to the relationships that I helped nurture while my family was home !!
A tussle with my mind, my psyche, my self, on how to conduct my self with the aim of strengthening the bond of relationships further, with a goal and intent to bond harder, and embrace every one closer to make it a more cohesive family !!
Infact, if you, too , dig deep into the recesses of your own minds, you too,will feel that you have to learn the ART of mastering your emotions so as to maintain harmonious n happy healthy relationships!!!
So, my Topic today is EMOTIONS & HOW TO EMOTE

& naturally as a follow through_
HOW to BALANCE SELF with ALL that's going on AROUND US ??
To emote is to express,
To emote is to share your inner most thoughts via expressions
To emote, you need not talk,
your eyes, the lip movement, the raising of the eye brows, the facial expressions, all in all, your body language- when it starts to speak- what is innermost in your thoughts, is another explanation of Emotions.!!
Emotions can come naturally, or they are to be cultivated.
Some emotions can be expressed, while some cannot be ( or should not be).
Some are positive while many are negative emotions .

Those that are cultivated are a category by them selves. Therefore,
Emote also means to ACT, to Copy identically a person as to his expressions et all!!

Some examples of Emotions::
An actor portrays emotion in a theatrical manner.
"the actors would emote for the camera .This is called:: Display of Emotions:: "To laugh, to cry, to dance, ie: To give expression or emotion. So having understood what are EMOTIONS, lets further understand them some more:::: Classifications of Emotions 1) Positive / Negative emotions and yet another section called:: MIXED EMOTIONS!!

POSITIVE EMOTIONS:: Some more commonly experienced Positive emotions are _ Love, Happiness, Excitement, Joy, Hope, Inspiration , Gratitude & Pride . They are all vital for anyone who want to lead a happy and healthy life. Luckily, you don't need to experience them all the time to reap the benefits of positive emotions.
NEGATIVE EMOTIONS:: Negative emotions can be defined as “as an unpleasant or unhappy emotion which is evoked in individuals to express a negative effect towards an event or person”
Some common negative emotions experienced often are ::: Fear ,Anger,Disgust ,Sadness ,Rage, Loneliness, Melancholy Annoyance & many more. They not only discourage you but are likely to drag you down.
Are Negative Emotions Necessary ??? Although they are not pleasant to experience, negative emotions really are necessary for a healthy life. This is true for two big reasons:
Negative emotions give us a counterpoint to positive emotions; without the negative, would the positive emotions still feel as good?
Negative emotions serve evolutionary purposes, encouraging us to act in ways that boost our chances of survival and help us grow and develop as people. Many a times the mixed emotions really show us the way>>>For example::
Anger: to fight against problems
Fear: to protect us from danger
Anticipation: to look forward and plan
Surprise: to focus on new situations
Joy: to remind us what’s important
Sadness: to connect us with those we love
Trust: to connect with people who help
Disgust: to reject what is unhealthy .
Another Classification EMOTIONS that can be Expressed Emotions that can be Controlled Above mentioned are those that can be expressed!!! . And..then What are controlled emotions?:: Emotional control, or emotional regulation, is about how well we can manage and control our emotions, or more precisely, our emotional reactions. It's about learning to stay calm when handling small problems, and reacting with just the right amount of emotional reaction given the situation. What is an example of emotional control?
One example that I have experienced and found successful::
You are very angry and feel like bursting out full of Raudra Raas,

but mind says...Stay in control, so start saying Gayatri jaap slowly & deliberately 3 times. If after that, you still feel like letting out the Raudra pent up emotions-- do so, but u will find that 9/10 times that Raudra feeling would have become quiescent and you would be in control of your self and Shaant Raas would slowly prevail.
How does one explain this::This is a practice of cultivating a sacred buffer of time between feeling the emotion and your reaction to that emotion.ie:: pausing to collect your thoughts before you respond. It can also mean waiting until you're in a supportive setting to process tough feelings.
The big Q that now arises is::
Can all emotions be controlled?
While we can't completely eliminate emotions – nor would we want to – we can manage our emotions in such a way that we stay in the driver's seat. This is known as emotional self-regulation.
Advantage:: By understanding your emotions and how to control them, you're better able to express how you feel and understand how others are feeling. This allows you to communicate more effectively and forge stronger relationships, both at work and in your personal life. When you develop strong emotional regulation skills, your mental health can improve significantly.
Another classification::
When ever I think of Emotions, the comparision comes up in my mind with the 9 Rasas of Indian Poems & Songs::
What are the 9 types of Rasas?
Navarasa means nine emotions; Rasa means emotional state of mind. Nine emotions are
1) Shringara (love/beauty),
2) Hasya (laughter),
3) Karuna(sorrow),
4)Raudra (anger),
5)Veera (heroism/courage),
6) Bhayanaka (terror/fear),
7) Bibhatsa (disgust),
8) Adbutha (surprise/wonder),
9) Shantha (peace or tranquility) 

What is the Rasa and bhava theory of emotions?
Rasa as well as Bhav are beautifully articulated by Bharat Muni in the Natyashastra, an ancient work of dramatic theory. Rasa, the essence, denotes an essential mental state where as Bhav, the state of mind, is often translated into feeling, emotion or mood. The two are closely interlinked and intertwined.
What colors represent nine Rasas?
Are emotions good or bad?Emotions aren't necessarily good or bad, they are just states and signals that allow us to pay more attention to the events that create them. This can either motivate us to create more of a certain experience or less, for example. Unlike some emotions, negative emotions not always pleasant to experience.
The Aura of a frightened person is black, and the aura of an angry person is red. The nine colors that signifies each emotions are Green (Shringara),
White (Hasya),
Grey (Karuna),
Red (Roudra),
Orange (Veera),
Black (Bhayanaka),
Blue (Bheebhatsya),
Yellow (Adbutha) and
White (Shantha).
Does Rasa mean mood?
A rasa represents the energy of human emotion. This energy, whether negative or positive, directly affects one's spiritual and physical levels of balance.
Having written all this theory regarding classification of Emotions, it's types and where with all, you would want to know, why I dealt with this subject.
Friends my Title is "THIS IS LIFE."
If the topic is so pulsating, & the Life is so full of "FEELINGS'.
Feelings can be Good, BAD Or Ugly. Feelings are governed by huge number of factors that are intrinsic, extrinsic, environmental, social & behavioural and with no etiology on many an occasion.
Our mind, our brain, (our thinking partner ) is always wrought with thousands of thoughts that keep flitting back and forth.
These thoughts can be any thing/everything or intertwined with any of the emotions I have been talking about.
If situation is conducive, the emotions can be laced with Shringaar raas (love & beauty) ,
Emotions can be full of fun & frolic and express Hasya Raas to the entertainment of folks around ,
When situations are adverse, and cannot be controlled despite all efforts, there may come a time, when sorrow or Karuna reigns Supreme, and you are in a catch 22 situation, where in your emotions are full of Karuna...
But yet again there may be moments when controlling of emotions becomes impossible , and you tend to give in to "RAUDRA"  and ANGER becomes the better of you, and you then start ranting and raving and try to vent your emotions by outbursts, that, actually are of no use to any one, yet, many a times the individual post the outburst of pent up emotions now gets a feel of Pseudo relaxation, and may temporarily start feeling better.
Another RAAS_There is a Raas called "VEER RAAS"::
When the desires are strong, convictions are stronger, the determination makes u take a "GO", then the actions that you perform, will be with precision and decision; This act will speak of HEROISM & COURAGE & more often than not, will lead to achievement & fulfilment of the intended goals.
But wait, let's understand some more RAASAS:
BHAYANKA:There are moments in your life when u cannot come to terms with situations, when conditions are beyond your control, when adversaries are so humoungous, that TERROR & FEAR camouflouge all other sensitivities and many a time Fear n Terror are so pronounced that they make a huge impression on the psyche of the person, and the person may move into a shell.
He will need external support n counselling.
A RAAS that needs attention::
This is in simple language is called DISGUST.
Certain situations , when there is no respect, no positive attitude, just condemnation, discredit, belittling of the weaker person, exploitation, total disregard of the fairer sex__.the feeling of Revulsion, anguish, desolation,...,.... All lead to development of a term called DISGUST.
Yet again on the other side of the scale is yet another expression::
This expression is better to be seen, to be understood properly::
(Surprise or Wonder)
When circumstances, situations, interactions, leave you in an enigmatic bowl, when things are beyond expectations, when consternation gives way to amusement, when disbelief at times becomes a reality, when unexpectedness suddenly happens, one does get SURPRISED, and may gets WONDER STRUCK!!!
Then the expressions you emote will be full of ENIGMA, or DISBELIEF!!!
And lastly
One of the important RASAS is SHANT SWABHAV
This is not as simple as it's word.
Our Life is torn between What happened, >>> what actually happens>>>> what should actually happen!!!!
In between this important triad of the "HAPPEN' statuses,
Man is torn between adversities, likes dislikes, what could be done, what should be done, what is obvious, what is dark and what is grey!! The improbables are far too many, the actualities- a quite contrast of what should be there, and so caught up in this WEB, the WEB of life, it is well nigh impossible to REMAIN SHANT.
How to remain Quiesant?
How to remain CALM?
How to remain IMPERVIOUS to the happenings around you?
So Just arbitrarily saying_
Is a Huge, humoungous & Herculean task.
And those who can gain mastery over this,
Those who can attain this fulfilment, this status, are the ones who have actually WON over this LIFE.
Friends, this is a Huge big & humoungous topic that I leave to one and all, all my partners in this blog.
Let's seek out within our inner self to try and inculcate practices to reach this STATE!!!
Now that I have talked about variety of emotions, and their positives & negatives, why not try to reason how to handle ourselves in the company of others.
How to keep ourselves in check while dealing with relations, how to control your emotions when you feel like shouting at them, but you dont, ( control your feelings / anger) ,
When you get ecstatic n thrilled beyond measure and are WONDERSTRUCK when you are suddenly faced with the utmost pleasurable incidents, your thrill knows no bounds, you get excited like a kid,
And when u are struck with the impossible turning possible, the way the little tiny tots make you burst into gleeful
Raptures of laughter & merriment with their kiddish playful activities,
Idea of explaining all this is, that, taking me & my family as an example :: We were thrilled beyond measure, ( Adbhud Raas) ,

when all our kids arrived home with the sole purpose of celebrating their Father's Platinum Birthday.
It was sheer happiness, thrill and ecstacy, that dawned on us, and engulfed us with The Adbhut Raas, where in excitement knew no boundries, the home and hearth reverberated with Hasya Raas and the Veer raas played a pivotal role when the children Suddenly made bold plans for an overnight halt and planned a sudden STAYCATION.
It was The Raas of JOY coupled with Happiness interwoven with Love and A spirit of adventure that made the kids just plan the holiday with excitement,fervour ,and enthusiasm.
The Father was amused, perplexed, excited and his expressions ranged from Disbelief to excitement to thrill and raptures of Shaant bhaav
Friends I will just show you a series of Fotos depicting POSITIVE EMOTIONS, with some mixed emotions as well :: like Surprise, disbelief and enigma .This will help to show how the mixed emotions added to make the event and GRAND SUCCESS that it turned out to be. But all good things finally do come to an end, and no sooner that the Staycation started, very soon we all had to be back, back within the four walls of our home.
The holiday over, the kids got cracking with unpacking and repacking and very soon they were all set to depart.
While my husbands heart filled with PRIDE & GRATITUDE( Expressed emotions)

that the kids had come and set up a, Sterling packaged holiday celebration, it was now for both of us to be filled with KARUNA, RAAS( controlled emotions)as we set about helping them to leave.
The Shringar Raas, the Hasya Raas, was clearly visible through out the staycation,
the Excitement, the Adbhud episodes

too were plenty what with the kids piling on such beautiful gifts one on top of the other.
It was time now for
Karuna Raas (expressed with silent movements of face and eyes) as we bid adieu to them all esp our grand child who always knew how to have the last word, for he has a WAY with Words!! And knows how to put witty questions so that all end up as guinea pigs in the HASYA WORLD!!
I guess I can go on and on and on, enough to suffice as of now, enough to put a comma n finally a Full stop, but with a Q to all of u:::
Have you thought how you will use all these RASAS, all these emotions to your benefit !?
Have you ever questioned your self?
Have you ever planned an event?.
Have you ever done some solid introspection?

Friends JUST DO THAT__
To Relate to family
To Relate to others
To Relate to yourself
You just need to know your self.
You need to know about these RASAS, you need to know about these EMOTIONS
You need to know the advantages of Mixed Emotions.
Yes, of course, some time in the future we shall deal with this very Sensitive subject once again .
Till then friends.....
Think of your self,
Think of your Relationships and how best you can deal with them...
See you soon, very soon, with another interesting and different subject under the famous biggest Puzzle of our Life
"This is Life


  1. Awesome. So many visible and invisible aspects of emotions unfolded beautifully. Shall help in improving relationships without judgments or feeling guilty ! And Amita, you have shared so well that every emotion is natural. When , How much and How we need to regulate! Thank you 🥰

    1. Thank u dear Indu. You too have a varied exp. Do share some of your stories. Would love the world to know various aspects if Life

  2. Neelam Bhalla from Toronto sends the message as below
    9 type of Rasas and emoting them with latest example of platinum celebrations was so beautifully explained….. loved it !
    Conquering Rudra Raas simply by Gayatri jab and merging in Shaant Raas needs to be implemented by all …. Well written as usual , this blog will work like a Bible or Geeta and should be read again and again to keep us focused on our goals in life.
    Once again Congratulations for enlightening me!! ❤️

  3. As messaged by Dr Chitea from. Navi Mumbai
    This is such an amazing write-up work of an amateur Three cheers

  4. As messaged by Amrita Akhoury
    Bohut hi accha topic and beautifully selected words to describe different 8 emotions ...👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻
    : I am just correlating with my relationship with everyone...

  5. Jaya Natarajan comments
    Dear Ameeta,Kudos☺️☺️Such a pleasure reading your wonderful blog.You are so right.Sometimes expressions are more eloquent,and can convey much more than words ever can.You have dealt with every nuance of emotions.Great job Ameeta looking forward to more☺️☺️


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