W-_HEALTHINESS (contd-2nd Part)

We discussed in the previous article what is wealth and wealthiness. What is the striking difference and why and how we coined the new Mantra of today State of w-healthiness . While a few pointers were briefly enumerated by me, there are still some factors that are glaring at all of us with stark impunity, waiting to be addressed with compunction and speed. One very important aspect that needs emphasis and we need to understand : THE Environment : Both inside and outside the home. Next important aspect is THE Cookware , so abundantly used by us, four to five times a day, (can we eat food without cooking?), the callous n indifferent attitude in selection of the cook ware that we use ,the long term hazards on health caused by our using substandard quality of cookware, (primarily because of ignorance regarding, the metallic nature of the cookware) and total apathy in this regard!! Next, ...