What is wealth?

What is the meaning of wealthy?

Who is wealthy person?


Wealthiness...is acquisition of materialistic things.  To amass items, things, we  need, we feel- we need, we want , because some one else has that  item, we want to acquire  desire/yearn for  something very strongly! They may be useful, not useful!  never ever used before, just want- because some one has it, and now you too want it!!.

Things you may have seen in some one’s home, and now you want to adorn your house/ home/ hearth with it.  Acquiring   it gives you, an inner satisfaction of fulfillment, feeling of happiness, feeling of power!!

Wealth also connotes acquiring assets,  both movable/ immovable, you may need/ not need;

Acquiring  may,   may  just be  a long draw longing,  a yearning!

Its fulfillment has become a Power  provider , a long lasting dream-A  goal!!

Having achieved it, has added credibility to yourself in the eyes of the family, society/ community.

So, what is the meaning of WEALTHY??

Wealthy, here is an Adverb:   that denotes,   depicts, and explains the state of the individual who is the proud owner of all that he aspired for,  a person who has amassed a lot of wealth, materialistic acquisitions that he was always longing for!!

Another factor that is noteworthy- a wealthy person doesn't ever have to see the price tag, or haggle to reduce the rates.  Just  picks up what ever, when ever, where ever from!!!

Thus finally, WEALTHINESS is a state of Materialistic pomposity!!!

But let's realistically analyze:  Are wealthy people really Wealthy??

Another Q:

What is Holistic WEALTHINESS??

WEALTHINESS is like a multi pronged state of Mind,  Body,  Internal &  External Aura.

An actual fulfilment really comes when there is a WORK LIFE BALANCE!      (WLB)

WLB comes from having everything as a perfect balance between, the MONEY POWER, the TIME on your hands,  the internal & external health you and your family possess.

So now let's internalize:

Are u healthy?

Do u hv plenty of time in your hands?

Do u hv enough money power to become materialistically wealthy  ( we always used to relate WEALTHINESS with money ,right!)

If we get into this, we will definitely get into a depression.

So now it's time to discuss a very important aspect of life in today's scenario.


Health of your family gains precedence over every thing else.

Thus WEALTHINESS is a state of Healthiness which u now have to strive for.

You think you are healthy?

 You...think your family is healthy?

Do you need to improve ....their health status.

If the answer  is  Yes ?

Then :  You are  in a  WIN-WIN situation.

If NO…….

This is serious introspection!...

Then..  neither   You- are healthy;  nor your family is  healthy;

So are you really wealthy..coz the new MANTRA  today is:     W_ Healthy.

Health hai to wealth hai----.Nahi to sab Daanva Dol hai!!!!!!

 WHO definition of health........

............We all know by now!!!

So I will not repeat it; But, yes I will talk about a new Mantra:

As per today's MANTRA: W_healthy.

(W..underscore- healthy)

This is the new term, new norm, so I have coined it as a new vocabulary....W_healthy

 If health is not good, you are definitely not wealthy.   If u are just about OK;   but fraught with  one or the other LSD  (life style diseases!!)..then you definitely need to internalize!!

Let's understand it better:

If Wealth is Health, then Health is actually,


Let's discuss further:

The food we eat, it's quality, it's quantity, are we satisfied with it?

Lets get into its semantics a little bit:

The substandard soil, the improper irrigation, The overdose of insecticides in the farms, the pesticide laden crops; that are harvested, the rushed manner of processing, their  segregation  &  packaging  in unhygienic gunny bags, done in a very erratic & unscientific manner, their transportation, and storage in sheds without proper  governance, is yet another story untold!!!

 The rats and rodents many a time play their games in such sheds...and what is brought before you :

How much nutrition the grains will now provide?

Your guess is  as good as mine!

Another plight:  another similar story Multifolded   by putrefaction and rotting away of veggies n fruits, I once again leave it to your imaginations.

The adulteration of spices and condiments, the high level of preservatives that are so steeped into the packaged foods ( Young generation vouch n live by packaged foods that are so easily available and the ease with which cooking time is drastically  reduced)  is reason of their heightened popularity!!

And another delimma,  is the cook ware we cook our food' in'of a good quality??

The leeching of the cheap metals like aluminium, cast iron, the teflon coating of the nonstick cookware, making them more vulnerable and we now   ofcourse  have  ample proof, that they are predisposing  factors of some varieties of cancers!!

So, where does all this bring us to?


Lets consider some more important factors:

The Atmospheric pm 2.5, in which we breathe,

The quality of water we drink,  ( we can't change)...are all  beyond our control!!!

The edible foods and fruits:

The quality of the  raw materials before us leaves no doubt that we can't change that either!!!

The original  organic nature, value n worth of what we really consume on a day to day basis..is  thus  highly questionable.

If we start to delve into it all, we will become more and more confused..and the startling point that is now gaining more and more ground is:


Are we healthy?

Are we wealthy?

Are we WISE?


So what happens to my Mantra

W_ healthy????

Who would like to address this?.

And How??


I'm sure I've got you thinking. 

Wait n watch this space

I will explain..... 


  1. Thought provoking! Without good health who can enjoy wealth. And what is the limit for acquiring wealth to buy good health. Waiting for more to read Dr Amita Behal!

    1. Induu are always one person who is aligned with my thoughts.

    2. Induu are always one person who is aligned with my thoughts.


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