W-_HEALTHINESS (contd-2nd Part)

We discussed in the previous article what is wealth and wealthiness. What is the striking difference and why  and how we coined the new Mantra of  today State of w-healthiness .

While a few pointers were briefly enumerated by me,  there are still some factors  that are glaring at all of us with stark impunity, waiting to be addressed with compunction and speed.

One very important  aspect that needs emphasis and we need to understand :

THE Environment:  Both inside and outside the home.  Next important aspect is THE Cookware , so abundantly used by us,  four to five times a day,  (can we eat food without cooking?), the callous n indifferent attitude  in selection of the cook ware that we use ,the long term hazards on health  caused by our using substandard quality of cookware,  

(primarily because of ignorance regarding, the metallic nature of the cookware) and total apathy in this regard!!

Next,  the need to touch upon the four cardinal pillars of health.


 E:--- for Exercise --- 45 minutes of any form of exercise or minimum 10,000 steps per day.

A:--Positive mental attitude--Constant endeavour   to maintain positive attitude should be the aim.

R:--Minimum six to eight hours of proper restful sleep should be strived for.

N:--A  proper and balanced  nutritious diet to be first understood and then efforts made to see that we can make it.

In this article, we shall be  discussing  these modalities which govern our state of 

w_ healthiness.

So now that I have given a brief about what I’m going to elaborate upon, without much ado, lets just begin….

The Environment:

Besides environment outside and inside the house, that of the   neighbourhood, the Colony, the City, the State at large, all aspects should be taken into stock. How good or bad is the air and the atmosphere?

Does it affect our health  directly  or indirectly? 

I’m sure you know by now,  that the pollutant atmosphere that we live in, is slowly and steadily impinging on our health.  The causative agents  are many. The level of the pollutants, the smog,  industrial and vehicular pollution,  the toxic volatile gases and volatile organic compounds and many more  are some of them.

The fire, firewood and charcoal burning more prevalent a mode of cooking in the rural areas_ are also instrumental in a major way.

ABU: (Area beyond control)::this large segment falls in the category of beyond control, because, despite there being multi pronged forces trying to contain nothing  seems to be working.

   By now we have heard this term—PM 2.5

This size is the most lethal pollutant.

(before the advent of winters, all during the winters -there is a loud cry on this and how we all have not been able to do anything on this score.) especially found in Delhi and NCR  in  very dangerous levels because of the increased levels per cubic centimeter of air. 

The toxic level of pollution in the atmosphere is the main cause of respiratory problems ( immediate/not so immediate , distant complications of the heart and the lungs .

2.AUC:   Tobacco and tobacco related compounds, are majorly also responsible.

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health.  We can avoid this to large extent, but if you live in Delhi and do not have an option to leave the city-- you are a sitting duck for respiratory diseases to gain access  and further  compromise the body. AUC: (Area under control)  because its an area under control, yet drastically ignored!!!

There is loads that can be discussed here but suffice to say that we should try and solve our ABC / AUC quadrant.

I shall come back and talk some more about what these terms –ABC / AUC mean, in a little while from now,

The next sub topic:


While the soft and the hard palate, the olfactory nerves, the taste buds, the inviting aroma ,no sooner, the waft of the sizzling food and the delicacies that emanates from the cookhouse of the hotel or restaurant reach you,  the salivary glands and the gastric juices begin to run—the system is already   stimulated --much before we actually see the delight full spread and the array of dishes on the table.  Before we know it ,we just lunge at  the mouth watering dishes , and  speedily start devouring the food.

We also give enough and unnecessary importance to the cutlery, crockery, the table linen et al, but do we really give a thought to the cookware we do our basic cooking  in?

The callous and careless approach we all use while picking up our cookware is sad.

Firstly the affordability quotient, & secondly and most importantly  there is abject ignorance on this score.

Do you know  that the substandard use of the low density metallic cookware, the rampant use of the Aluminium   based cookware especially in hotels and restaurants, the non stick and the Teflon coated so called elegant looking    cookware  which people are picking up for the home use without know how,  they  (popularly called silver ka bartan hai...) slowly and steadily are poisoning the gastrointestinal tract, altering the gut flora- thus denuding   the good bacteria ( so essential an organism for good health )

All these conditions lead to  a large number of Gut syndromes, Cancer and IBS being more common. We thus need to understand all this.

 Now let's talk about the Four pillars of health;


The fast and action packed life that we all live in today:

The sun rising always from the East traversing the ecosphere with the passage of time (in hours,)  finally   sets in the west.

The moon doing its next best!!

This has been going on since time immemorial!! God only knows !!!  

 But we know that man and mammal, the birds and the bees, the aquatic and marine life: all have gone astray! We have let go the the basic fundamental path.

The  disciplined  system of life: the diurnal variation of rising up in the mornings and sleeping at night, the proper hours of eating,  going to work  & coming back is all a thing of the remote past.

 In our years  of growing up, and moving along the decades as most of my own genre would agree: that  progression through the ages & phases of LIFE,  of wakefulness and awareness- we ourselves are a  witness to the gradual and now rampant(good/bad/ugly) change of habitsseen in the majority of the population these days. 

 Pattern of lifestyle has undergone a 360 degree turn!!!!! 

The fast action packed life,  hit-and-run mentality ,the speed to beat the other man hollow has all taken a  heavy toll.:

 The psyche of man has undergone a tumultuous psychotic change.

Today :  Man walks, talks, works into the night, and  thus  sleeps during the best part of the day!!. 

Man is found indulging in indoor games , and it's a very small  percentile that actually goes on to the playground to play and exercise. Today binge  eating, binge drinking, turning to instant  and easily  accessible junk food is gaining momentum over freshly prepared home cooked foods.

Such and many other factors all attribute to further compromising the  immunity.  Another significant find  :  increased incidences of fractures due to weak and fragile bones coupled with people  becoming more prone to infections and frequent allergies.

Lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, eating over- refined carbs ,drinking aerated  drinks, consuming bad quality of fats ( trans-fats) all this have led to further compromising  the immunity status.

All above is a very dismal picture .  Very depressing and dejecting.

So now let's revisit the World Health organization’s Definition of health?

Having done so,  let's go to the new Mantra


 Are we W_healthy?

So what should we do?

So what should we do now?

Lets now get into a solution mode---

There is no shortcut to becoming w-healthy. No jadoo. It has to be a strong determined daily deliberate dedicated action. It has to be learnt, then only it can be earned. So let's look at some statements:

Prevent the preventable.

Delay the inevitable.


 A few Musts:

1) Work out  (caloric intake should be matched with its output)

2) Connect with proper information then  correct yourself in work action and deed.

3) Change your lifestyle and instill corrective steps

4) Quality and quantity of food should be emphasized upon.

5) Hydrate your body well.

Program Mental Detox:                           

 Positive Mental Attitude-10 mts of meditation per day.

Thank the Lord for blessing the family.

Give positive affirmations to your self.

To beat the sickness with complete and optimal immune system this has to be a decision, multi-pronged daily deliberate action

Boosting immunity

__adequate sleep eat more of whole plant based food, fermented foods, reduce sugar intake,  manage stress  & take right supplements. There is so much I can write, and again there is much more that you all will/ can add,but lets ask this one question

Question yourself????

Do you feel exhausted by the end of the day?

 Do you feel irritated at the slightest provocation? Do you have unexplained headaches, aches and pains; do you fall sick more than two three times in a year?

If the answer is "NO ", i congratulate you!!!, but if the answer is a "Yes, then sorry friend , we are neither healthy, nor W-healthy.

So, now, before the ink dries up in my pen, I'd like you to visit these abbreviations 


AUC:Area under control

ABC:Area beyond control

AOC:Area out of control

Try and see, what I have written about : Do they all fall in their ambit? I want to implore you to make you own list of AUC/ ABC/ AOC, and then lets see what and how we go about unravelling this puzzle next week.

Leaving you with some home work......

See you'll very very soon...




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